September 14, 2024

Nick’s Bio Corner

Cutting Edge Science News

Standards and Policies

Our 5 promises:

  1. We will tell the truth or as close to the truth as can be ascertained.
  2. We will publish content befitting the decencies obligatory in polite company.
  3. The interest of this media site will be to the readers and not to the owners of this media site.
  4. In the pursuit of the truth, this organization is willing to sacrifice material gain if necessary.
  5. We will not ally to special interest but remain steadfast in our fairness of coverage to all entities.

Ethics Policies

It is these ethics policies which are used to guide Nick’s Bio Corner’s journalism as we deliver articles.

Verification and Fact Checking Policies

Writer’s at Nick’s Bio Corner has the primary responsibility of writing and fact checking their stories. However, editors at Nick’s Bio Corner periodically review all content on the site to verify accuracy. If any story fails to meet our strict standards, it is removed immediately.

Conflicts of Interests

Nick’s Bio Corner pledges to avoid all conflicts of interest and all appearances of conflicts of interest at all times.

This will be accomplished by adhering to these policies:

1. We will not accept no payment from individuals, organizations, political entities, or governments.

2. We accept no gifts in the form of trips

3. We accept no gifts of significant monetary value.


We understand that discussions about individual matters will always contain a certain level of bias, despite the best efforts of the most accomplished journalist. However, we will maintain fairness in all articles with the practice of these simple practices:

  1. No story will omit facts that has significant importance to said story.
  2. No story will contain irrelevant information
  3. No story will mislead the reader


Though we strive for a complete and accurate news article, we understand that sometimes stories need to be updated as new information is presented. During events such as these we will promptly tell our readers what was corrected and why.


We treat our sources as fairly as possible and this entails making sure that all quotes are put into the correct context. If summarizations are made, these summarizations will be accurate and recognizable to the statement in full context. We also do not trick sources into giving us a quote and will identify ourselves fully if we wish to receive a quote.

Off the record

We do not use off the record information in our articles. Off the record meaning “not for attribution to me”. Often this information is meant to guide or prompt further reporting.


We must at all times be accurate in reporting the source of our information. Facts and quotation in our stories must be the result of our own reporting. Plagiarism is not tolerated. If information is gained from another publication, credit is given to said publication.

It is by these standards and policies that Nick’s Bio Corner pledge to adhere to at all time.